- Laundry
- Dishes
- Dusting
- Vacuuming
- Replacing old pictures in frames with more recent ones
- Exercising (just ask Aprilia!)
- Dieting (ha!)
- Filing Coupons
- My quilt
- Organizing my closets and cabinets
- Christmas shopping (not that I'm actually behind yet, but I'm sure it still applies, and this way I won't be behind on adding to the list later :)
- My blog! However, I love my blog because I have no mandatory posts, no due dates, no grades, so I am only behind because I have so many things I want to write, but due to above considerations, I have not made it t
o the blog yet.
- Kisses from Ryder
- Stories from Ryder
- Hugs from Ryder.
Thanks for the picture, Denise! (www.skeltonphotography.com)
Cute Picture!